Saturday, July 9, 2011

What I Did On My Summer Vacation - Golf

"What I Did On My Summer Vacation" - Week 1, Day 1

It all started Friday afternoon at Mystic Creek Golf Club at Camp Dearborn in Milford, MI. The Powertrain Material Labs from Milford, Pontiac, and Warren meet for an afternoon of "team building" and fun with lunch and a golf scramble. Craig and I were the anchor to our team (like a dead weight)!

My clubs were hand-me-down when I started golfing 26 years ago. The guys laugh so hard when they see them - and if I was easily embarrassed, taking these clubs to a fancy Golf Club might be a problem. My irons, a 5 and 9, are so rusted it's hard to read the number on them. I have a 1 wood and 3 wood along with an assortment of 5 putters to choose from. LOL!

Eric was our coach and cheerleader, always ready with some positive comments and encouragement. ... and when needed, he gave firm direction like harrassing Craig into using his 1 wood instead of the 3 iron when we needed his drive on the last hole. PERFECT!!!! - best shot Craig had all day! :)

Fred was our easy going, positive, fun, always smiling, have a good time teammate. So good to have his laid back attitude set the tone for our day!

Eric asked this question at every putt: "Who wants to put it in?" and since everyone else is being so "gentlemanly", I step up...and actually make a few good putts!

We ended in first place at 2 under. GO TEAM BERYLLIUM!!!  :)

It was a perfect day and a perfect start to Week 1 of Summer Vacation!