Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Obedience Would Be Easy...

...if only God would speak to me like He did in Bible times."

I had plans for Saturday. I was very excited about our Mission Conference. It was going to be all about using the internet to share Christ with people.
...God had other plans...

When I got up Saturday morning, I asked how I could help Craig. He said he could use my help at Dad's, fixing the plumbing and getting the place ready to sell.
But, but, but...I thought we were going to the Mission Conference...:-(
My first response was, 
"I'll go, but I'll drive separately so I can make it to the conference if you don't get done by 12:30."
 "See you up there," he said with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

My heart was pricked immediately and my thoughts flipped back to that little pink book (A Woman After God's Own Heart) and all that I learned:
God is my first priority, 
then my husband
then my children, 
THEN ministry. 

I am my husband's helper (Genesis 2:18) and God has commanded me to submit to my own husband (Ephesians 5, Colossians 3 and 1 Peter 3) in everything (as long as it's not immoral or illegal) and clearly, helping with plumbing and cleaning is neither.

I ran after him, and jumped in the truck beside him. *sigh* We worked until 4:30, missed the conference, and were physically and emotionally exhausted, but...on the drive home I got a rare and precious gift: "Thank you for all your help today. I really appreciated it  - it meant a lot to me."

God DOES speak to us today.We can only hear as we read, study and apply His Word...

I am basking in blessings of obedience in the midst of life that honestly, is not a lot of fun right now. Sometimes, you just have to "CHOOSE JOY!"  :)

1 comment:

Nikki said...

testing! did you get this?? hope so! :)