Sunday, June 24, 2012

Gone Are the Dark Days

Happy Days are Here:
1. The  ominous sounding phone call from my boss, resulted in learning I had been promoted! Woohoo! Feeling appreciated.
2. Friends who never quit on us - they stand with not only when times are great and we're having lots of fun, but also when we fall short, do stupid things, and are less than loveable. These people really know how to be grace-givers.
3. Seeing my kids thriving in their adult lives, stepping out, being challenged, learning, and growing.
4. Better yet, hearing my kids would love to "come home" some day. (See, they're not running away from us!)
5. An exhausting week of "get-togethers" with lots of different people.
      - Elder family cook-out
      - Girlfriend Walk "Girls' Night Out in downtown Oxford...walking a talking all evening with my girlfriend.
      - Dinner with a couple from church. Conversation in the gazebo until the sun went down. Love these people. We'll have to do it again.
      - Graduation Open Houses and an evening road trip to Grand Rapids and back to attend the Theatrical Production of "Screwtape Letters" with friends.

I've been dwelling (yes - making my home; living in) the past and wishing life would be like those days once again. I have been a slow learner - slow to hear your voice, Lord. You've been whispering, but I brush your gentle words away like an annoying mosquito buzzing in my ear. Your message is becoming louder, clearer, and more emphatic as You remove people and ministry from my life. I know You're preparing me for the new work that you have for me. Enough of the pouting...enough of the heel digging, enough of chasing, grasping, mourning. When I sing "you are my all in all", "you are my everything", "you are all I need", do I really mean it?  I am learning about my true heart...Help me to make it so, Lord.

You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;
you have loosed my sackcloth
and clothed me with gladness,
that my glory may sing your praise and not be silent.
O LORD my God, I will give thanks to you forever!
(Psalm 30:11-12 ESV)

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