Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Challenges and God's Faithfulness

I have been too busy with life challenges these past two weeks to blog.

We've spent time with Dad O'Brien who is battling kidney cancer, yet determined to go on his annual hunting trip to state land in the UP for three weeks -camping. He barely has the strength to climb the stairs at his house...we are praying for him and his wife, Vi, and planning to join him later this month for a few days. I am thankful that God has given him the desire to live LIFE and not give up.

We attended a very different wedding. It was performed on the dance floor by a man who later became the DJ for the night. They had two tables laden with all sorts of candy open, a shutter booth where you could take home your "strip" while they glued a copy in a photo album that you signed right there. There was a chocolate fountain where I dipped and ate chocolate covered food I never would have thought of before. Of course, EVERYTHING tastes good covered in chocolate, right? I am thankful to have had a fun evening with my hubby, catching up with his co-workers, some who came to our wedding, 24 years ago and even one even was groomsmen. Craig stood up in his wedding 20 years ago.

I spent hours and hours pouring over the Scripture after being challenged by different ideas and understandings. God is awesome as He taught me so many new things that I never saw before and I've come away with a greater understanding. This journey of faith is so exciting, I can't imagine that fire ever being extinguished! The more I am in the Word, the more I want to be. The more I see Him work in my life and others, the more I desire to live for Him, trusting him with every part of my life. I am thankful for the living Word, and the Holy Spirit in me.

I did fall cleaning, and in washing windows found our picture window had lost it's seal, in fact there was a 1/2" gap at the top allowing a cool breeze to freely flow into our home. I had been wondering how all the bees had been getting in the house, and why the "sun room" was so cold. Upon closer inspection, we found the framing was rotted completely. *sigh* More "dos" for my "honey". I am thankful my "Honey" is handy.

And finally, just as I was leaving for my daily walk yesterday, I received a call to rescue my hubby. He had hitched a ride from some co-workers because our "new" (used) Buick had no oil pressure. Later in the evening - we returned to Warren (oh noooo, the city!) to tow it home behind the truck. If you know me, I am not the daring, risk taking type individual, and being towed 20 ft. behind my husband is not my idea of fun. He depends on me to stop him, using the brakes of the Buick to stop us both. Let me tell you, there is still a lot of traffic at 8PM in Warren. Imagine us weaving through the city streets, trying get through lights and make necessary turns. Then there's I-75 at 70 mph! The worst was Baldwin Road with the bumps, hills, and turns. I really did feel like we were playing "crack the whip". I prayed fervently all while gripping tightly! I am thankful that we made it home without incident. Praise God!

It's a new day...
"Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
       for his compassions never fail.

 They are new every morning;
       great is your faithfulness.

 I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion;
       therefore I will wait for him."

 The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him,
       to the one who seeks him;" Lamentations3:22-25

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