Saturday, November 28, 2009


The last couple of weeks in our Luke study, there has been a constant theme of humility...
"Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind." 1 Peter 3:8
It's been humbling, and gratifying to hear: 

105. Both children, (well, they are young adults now) come to the realization that they don't need anything, nor do they want anything for Christmas, this year.

106. How much parental support for college has been (and is) appreciated.

107. Dad insisting on gift giving, this Christmas. "It's in the budget, we're going to spend it!" =)

108. A nearby gunshot, closely followed by footsteps of a grinning camouflaged hubby on the  front porch... means there's meat in the freezer.

109. High pitched alarms going off all throughout our home upon our return from tracking, telling us the smoke detectors work fine. (We left glowing embers in the fireplace and must have had a downdraft while we were out.)

110. "I love you, sweetie," before I close my eyes at night after a relaxing, yet productive day.

May our hearts always be tender to You, Lord, and to those we meet along the way in this life. Give us eyes to see, ears to hear, words to share, hands to help, and feet that go the distance.

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