Sunday, August 1, 2010

Riding the Roller Coaster of Life

Since Friday morning, I have been riding a roller coaster of emotions. The highs are exhilarating; the lows...not so much. But still, I look to find whatever..."whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Philippians 4:8

352. News that Chad got the RA job for next year at UAH. Lots of other encouraging talk.

353. Picked up my NEW GM EMPLOYEE ID! It worked - YAY! Looking forward to beginning a new chapter in my life, back to work as a Materials Engineer at General Motors on Monday.

354. Got a flat tire as we were merging onto I-75 during Friday morning rush hour. Thankfully, no one was hurt.

355. Was rear-ended by a semi-truck while stopped for a red light after replacing all tires. So discouraged that our "best" vehicle (though it is a '98 with 150,000 miles) has a buckled trunk, bumper, and broken taillights. Very thankful that it was still driveable for our weekend getaway.

356. Sad to pack up my Warren office - I'll miss my awesome Materials Lab co-workers! Thankful I will have many opportunities to continue to work with them as their "customer".

357. Connected with Craig's college friends and their family, then with my college roommate and her husband who hosted us at their Bed & Breakfast.
Melanie & Tony Barnard

358. An opportunity to catch a couple of salmon on Lake Michigan. Yummy!

359. Waking to a rainy Saturday - perfect weather for Craig to enjoy.

360. More vehicle issues - Thankfully, Dad arrived to the rescue, just in time to fix the brakes.
We had the WHOLE cabin to ourselves!
360. Hanging out with Cristin and getting a private trail ride to the outback. Getting to play euchre with Cristin and her friend. (AND got beat!)
Cristin leads with Dexter
Cristin gets Dad situated on Rowdy while Mom and Red watch.
Waiting to worship.
361. Coming home to find my faithful friend, Lucky dog, rapidly deteriorating healthwise...not looking forward to what the next couple days will require. :-(     
I'm focusing on the great memories of my faithful shadow - a great dog!

....Still I will PRAISE Him!

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