Friday, August 26, 2011

Empty Nest - Bitter Sweet

Having an empty nest is bitter sweet...

It is so sweet to see the eaglets soaring on their own, climbing to new heights with new opportunities and challenges. It's tough being the mama eagle who nudged them out of her nest. All I can do is watch, pray and be there to swoop in, if needed. Sometimes I want to swoop in before I'm really needed - just a little turbulence, they make a slight adjustment and are flying steady in no time.

The bitter part is that their soaring often takes them far from the nest, with return flights waning in frequency. They need me less and less. I need retraining for a new job description. Can I negotiate this?

Both of my "kids" were home for a brief time this summer. God has done an amazing work - without me - imagine that! They have matured in so many ways and were a huge help to me. Some things cannot be captured by a camera, but here is a glimpse of the blessings they poured out...
Chad decided that our deck railing needed replacing and a paint job was in order. (I have to admit - it was rotted.) He purchased the materials, tore down the old and replaced it with brand new - with a little help from Dad. :)

Cristin decided it was time to clean and organize the basement. I wish I had "before" and "after" pictures; Extreme Home Makeover, for sure! It's amazing how quickly you can find things when everything is in its place! 
I'm so proud you have found your wings ...

and am continuing to pray for you, as you dare to do great things, following God as He leads. <3 U!

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