Sunday, February 5, 2012

5 Weeks In - I'm NOT Quitting!

I've put in over 60 miles on the treadmill, and more on the road, but the results are so slow in showing up.  I'm still showing up - I'm not quitting!

Memory Verse Monday:
It is in vain that you rise up early
and go late to rest,
eating the bread of anxious toil;
for he gives to his beloved sleep.
(Psalm 127:2 ESV)
I haven't slept all that well these past two weeks; there is so much on my mind for my work.  Then there's things going on with family and friends.  I came upon this verse and it gripped me. My sleep has improved this week as I've worked  on memorizing it, applied what I'm learning in my Bible Study - to rest in the TRUTH of His Word -
and PRACTICED Philippians 4:6-7.

Training Tuesday: I've been "run/walking" a 5K every other day. I've taken 2 minutes off my time for my favorite close to home run. YAY! Progress. Alternating running through a song then walking through a song has really helped. Oh, and one more thing - I figured out that my treadmill was starting on an incline. My assembler decided that since I didn't need to store it away, he would not finish assembling the storage leg. It turns out that there were 4.5 inch feet that also needed to attach to the end of the belt-bed, raising the back by 4.5 inches. If you do the geometry, I was starting at a 3.6 degree incline! No wonder it seemed so hard. LOL!

Weight Watch Wednesday - I've done well with points, but the numbers on my scale don't seem to want to's a battle of wills! I'm stubborn and I'm on this!

Thankful Thursday:
1) I'm thankful for Craig's encouragement in my efforts. He reminded me that even if the weight doesn't come off, I'm still helping my heart and lungs. Thanks, honey!
2) I'm thankful for the flexibility of my job. Most days, I am able to take the time to work out and juice my vegetables before I go to work.
3) I'm thankful that both my husband and I are low maintenance. Leftovers two days during the week is fine - even appreciated.
4) I'm thankful neither of us like to go out to eat. It makes eating healthy so much easier!
5) I'm thankful that both of my kids initiate calls home - not for anything in particular - just to chat. I love talking to them. I am thankful for the people God is growing them into.

Fun Friday: We spent an evening with two couples from our first "Home Group". The plan was to get pizza and watch "Courageous" together. When we arrived, we found the menu had changed to an elaborate pasta meal around the dining room table and we never made it to the movie. It was a delightful evening full of catching up conversation with very good friends.

Songspiration Saturday/Sunday: Several people I know are going through rough times. It's really been a year filled with trials. The truths that I've been focusing on have helped me come to a place of peace. I heard this song for the first time this week, and it ministered to me.

I'm in this great adventure with you, me travel the long way home.

1 comment:

Angie said...

I'm so proud of you, Cheryl! Keep goin'!!!! Miss you on Mondays.