Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Weight Watch Wednesday - The Embarrassing Start

So, this is the humiliating start of my long road to health and fitness. It's hard to believe that just two years ago I had completed a mini sprint triathlon, and several 5Ks. 

The first 10 days of working out and making good food choices were discouraging. It seemed that the harder I worked and more diligent I was, the worse the results. The scale kept climbing each day. I wanted to "throw in the towel". I've heard it all before: "you're building muscle which weighs more than fat" & "it takes consistency over time to get your metabolism working right" ...blah, blah, blah. 


I am sticking with it, regardless.

After 10 days of working this plan, I am down 3 pounds - just 57 more to go.  :-(

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