Monday, October 19, 2009

Blessings - Count them by TWO!

I had the tremendous blessing of working in the nursery, yesterday and spending a little more than an hour with Hans and Fritz. (See - I didn't say, "The Twins", Sarah!) I actually identified them correctly as they walked through the door, and I think I impressed their daddy. "How can you tell?" he asked. They were so much fun! I can see why my good friend loves her job as a "nanny", especially as an empty nester. It was a good time, rolling on the floor and playing "tea party" - seriously! (*Note to Nursery Coordinator and workers - I will gladly be a regular sub.)

The first thing out of the toy box was the big green tractor - go figure. LOL! Then a stint with the Lego blocks. A BIG ball was a short-lived distraction. Most of the time we sat at the table pouring tea - or coffee, and having a meal together. Sarah, I think these guys LOVE to EAT! Have fun with that, girl, especially in about 10 years. :-)

I was a bit distressed to have to miss the Mini Missions Conference and Pastor Appreciation because of my Lifeguard class last night. I often wonder what I was thinking when I signed up and got in, but when I arrived and walked in with this young teenaged gal, I realized that I had an opportunity to encourage a young woman one day a week for a few hours. She is starting to open up a little more, and we are always paired together, being the only two gals in the class. Thank you, Lord, for this opportunity. I pray that I can reflect You to her.

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