Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Silver and Gold Friends

"Make new friends,
but keep the old.
One is silver,
the other is gold..."
Today, I'm thankful for the gifts of my Forever Friends, and for the Spirit that binds us!

These are the gifts I received yesterday:

416.  A Facebook message from a "golden" friend introducing me to another song with the same title as the one I posted. 

417.  A visit with a "golden friend", my "Bible study mentor. We can pick up just where we left off, a year and a half ago, we speak the same language, I love her heart. I am moved by her passion. I left with a knitted hearts dishcloth and a scrumptuous recipe I can't wait to try - Cupcake Bites - simply sinful! They are like chocolate truffles...Maybe I'll share the reciple. ;-)

418.  Walked four miles while talking with a silver friend. It was a beautiful fall day to enjoy together.

419  Spent the evening with a circle of silver friends. These are precious women I meet with every week to share what God is teaching each of us, to hold each other accountable to live according to His Word, to encourage each other to "hang in there", and keep the focus on the One who is able to do abundantly more than we could ever ask or imagine!


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