Thursday, November 25, 2010

With Thanksgiving

Giving Thanks with a Grateful Heart for:
421.  My God and Savior, Jesus Christ, without whom I'd have no hope in this world or for the next.
422.  My one and only husband of 25 years...and they said it would never last! Thankful for the adventure we're in.
423.  My "kids" excited to spend a few days together; excited to cook, and bake.
424.  Seeing my children grow up and what they are becoming. It's a blessing to see that them making some of our values their own.
425.  Seeing my children flourish where God  has placed them and knowing that even though they are so far away, they are right where God wants them and trusting Him to care for them.
426.  My Dad recovering from a mild stroke.
427.  The love and support of my family and extended family.
428.  Many happy memories of large family Thanksgiving gatherings.
429.  People who look out for my kids while they are so far from home.
430.  Blessed to have been able to stay at home and raise my children - the memories are precious, irreplaceable, and forever.
431.  Sitting under the teaching of a godly pastor for the last 4 1/2 years. 
432.  Old vehicles that are paid for and still get me to where I need to go. (And a husband that can figure out how to keep them running!)
433.  Learning to be content in all circumstances. 
My new job at the NEW GM - Who could ever imagine that I could get back into a career after 20 years of retirement AND back with that same company I started with 25 years ago?! 434.  Unbelievable in human terms, but predictably a "God thing".
435.  Awesome, helpful co-workers!(Thanks Jess and Joan for all the "training".)
436.  Financial provision to be able to help our kids pay for college so they won't graduate with a load of debt.
437.  Seeing people grow in their faith as they read, study, and "do-do" the Word.   :)
438.  Mentors and mentees who challenge me to live out my faith loudly, and encourage me in word and deed.
439.  Friends who open their homes and hearts to others.

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!

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