Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Enjoying the Great Outdoors

I am going to start my 1000 things gratitude list, today. (I hope you don't mind, Angie!) 

Hopefully, while doing this, you'll get a glimpse of what God is doing in my life as He pens this new chapter, an incredible adventure...

1. A 6 hour captive audience with my hubby, and him sharing what is on his mind.
2. Long walks in the quiet Hiawatha National Forest.
3. Waking to a landscape frosted sparkling and white.
4. An old faithful Lucky dog, who loves to be my walking buddy, even though it makes him lame.
5. Leaves that crunch under my feet.
6. A generator that works.
7. A warm sleeping bag.
8. Stars in the night sky that sparkle like diamonds against black velvet.
9. Reminiscing about better days...days before cancer.
10. Focusing on what cancer CAN'T do.
11. A family willing to sacrifice for one another.
12. A good night's sleep in a warm trailer after shivering through a night in the tent when the temperature dropped to a low of 20*.
13. Laughing at the sight of frost coating the inside of the tent.
14. Kidding my step-mom-in-law, and laughing together.
15. Watching (yes, watching) my hubby tell of the sights and sounds he encountered while sitting in a tree from before sunrise to after sunset. He lights up!
16. The opportunity to share my faith with my family.
17. The opportunity to catch up with my nephew after years of being "out of contact".
18. A computer in the clinic waiting room.
19. A doctor who seems to really care and takes time to encourage Grandpa to focus on what he CAN do.
20. A daughter's call, "Just to let me know" that she loves me! <3

Determined to maintain an attitude of gratitude!

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